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A 90s who is consistently looking for knowledge about life, finance and environment. She loves Writing. You can find her work on: Weibo: @Miniu FB: @hopedreamerCM

Thursday, May 29, 2014

见识大的女人 - Killer Card




LZL - a respectful woman with humble attitude.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

~Taubat and Berhati-hati...

  神在任何一个年代,都兴起不同的仆人去完成他的使命,今天也没有例外。因此,我们必须在主里尊重神的仆人。在这知识爆炸的时代,信徒很容易重视一般知 识,而忽视灵里的知识和关乎生命内涵的工作,因而容易批评神的仆人!我们实在要小心,我们若是藐视神所拣选的仆人,就会受到神严厉的惩罚!


一个圣洁生命的安详、宁静之美给世界带来强而有力的影响,仅次于神的灵的力量。  ~巴斯

Thursday, May 15, 2014


I find that
Gaining knowledge is fun.
Learn to forget is not that easy.
Trying something new can embrace my time.
Apologize sincerely needs preparation earlier.
Talking to an old friend can simply make my day. 
Put yourself into a task can yield unexpected result. 
Budget Travelling trains me to be more aware of the financial flow. T^T
"Learning is just a matter to prove that you have lived for so long" -- Min's Quote XD

I love reading since primary school;
I love music since secondary school;
I love travelling since tertiary school;
And now, I love Zumba Dance during my internship.
We can pick out a particular activity just because we finally meet it.
They all come together without creating conflicts but excitements and FUN.

Elizabeth’s "Being a Woman of God" provides me another food of thoughts.
Here you go:
Life without goals seems to be boring and meaningless?
Depends on how you spent your time. Either Wisely or...Just like that.
Being a woman of God does not mean that you no need to make decision for your Life.
You do need planning, time management, GOALS.
The point that makes the difference between yours and others is...Eventually, You will achieve God's Plan.
 How amazing and wonderful it is.

Two overseas missions are planned just because this is the precious chance. 
A missionary trip which I have been looking forward will be headed off soon.
A "masterpiece" is thought though I never think of this before I come across it.
At a specific time, you will make an unexpected decision.

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12
After All, I understand what it means.