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A 90s who is consistently looking for knowledge about life, finance and environment. She loves Writing. You can find her work on: Weibo: @Miniu FB: @hopedreamerCM

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


If you are lost in your way, let's set a SOP (standard operating standard):

出自微信公众号 - #行动派
Taken from weixin official account - #dreamlist

1. 吃更健康的食物
Eat healthier food
To improve our body

2. 建立一套办事列表
Build a daily To do list
To save time and be more efficient in completing our tasks

3. 晨间列事
Have a Morning ritual
Plan your morning ritual with an-hour reading. You can also use it to train your body, do your projects or attend a course.
4. 提高社交能力
Improve your social interaction
Self improvement is always built on the foundation of relationship between you and others. A quality relationship gives the best outcome.
5.  电子邮件“忍者训练”
Be a ninja in handling the email
If you want to read an email, make an instant response (a quick reply, add it into your to-do list, etc). Write a short and precise message, avoiding a lengthy one.

6. 每周回顾
Do self reflection every week
An one week reflection can help you to think a problem thoroughly, discover an opportunity and keep on track.

7. 30分钟的锻鍊
Have a 30 minutes exercise
This is the reason of You are lacking of energy.

8. 读书
Read a book
It helps in enhancing your creativity and understanding level.


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